National Savings and Credit Bank Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and African Leadership Magazine Business Excellence winner, Mrs. Mukwandi Chibesakunda, on 01 March nodded the debut National Economic Summit (NES) during a courtesy call visit paid to her office by the Economics Association of Zambia.
The EAZ has been on aggressive road shows in a build up towards the first ever summit dubbed the mini ‘Davos’ themed The Future of Economic Diplomacy with a skew towards inclusive and sustainable economic growth. The summit is due to be convened in Livingstone on the 25-26 July and is expected to attract thought leaders such as His Excellencies Mr. Jakaya Kikwete, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, Mr. Thabo Mbeki with Republican President HE. Mr. Edgar Lungu as guest of Honor. Captains of industry alongside the academic fratenity from Havard Business school, London School of Economics and Zambian tertiary institutions will be in attendance.
Natsave being the traditional face of Zambian banking nodded the summit initiative and further commended the Association for the economic policy advocacy work being done in Zambia. Natsave through its CEO pledged to support and partner with the Economics Association of Zambia towards the first ever NES.
We have exactly 146 days to the summit, we have been on road shows bringing all stakeholders from business houses to embassies to the public sector. We are excited to also launch Zambia’s first ever well researched national economic journal during the summit will will be available online. We believe solutions to African problems reside in our minds and as such this summit will be a brain storming thought provoking session for such.
EAZ – National Secretary
Mr. Mutisunge Zulu narrated the success and some of the hurdles the Association has faced in its quest to influence policy in the nation. He also, on behalf of the EAZ Board congratulated Mrs. Chibesakunda on her award by Africa Leadership Magazine UK on Business Excellence which saw the Natsave CEO in a hall of fame with Top CEOs in Africa.